We Deliver After Builders Cleaning in Kentish Town

After Builders Cleaning Prices
After Builders Cleaning £179

Best Prices!

    Having builders in your home is always linked with rubbish and huge amounts of dust. For this purpose, every renovated property needs to undergo a comprehensive overall cleaning and this is where our diligent cleaning experts can help. In case you are in need of after builders cleaning in Kentish Town, don’t miss to give us a call. We will send a team to your address right away.

    We operate in the field of cleaning for years already, serving individuals and business contractors. Our professional after builders cleaning services are suitable for every need.

    Whether it goes about cleaning after some small repairs or a big renovation project, our vetted representatives are competent enough to handle any job.

    Excellent customer service and individualised cleaning solutions

    after builders cleaning servicesEspecially for our clients in Kentish Town, we have developed a service that includes deep cleaning of every square meter in a renovated property.

    A mobile team of fully trained and professionally equipped cleaners will visit you at a convenient time and turn your dusty home into a well-sanitised living area for several hours. Our representatives are fully committed to their job and work always with a positive can do attitude.

    As our main priority is to satisfy your individual needs, we invite you to share with us any areas that according to you need special attention. We believe that it is not just a regular cleaning service what people need and they receive from us also personal attention and loyal attitude.

    The best after builders cleaning available in Kentish Town

    after builders cleaningHundreds of people trusted us already and received a cleaning solution tailored to their personal needs and 100 per cent customer satisfaction. Today we are a reputable cleaning company known for its professionalism, which is why more and more residential owners turn to us. Try our impeccable after builders cleaning and you also will be convinced of the quality of our work.

    You can take advantage of our after builders cleaning 7 days per week. Give us a call and our obliging call centre agents will provide you with additional information. We are certain that our budget-friendly rates and free weekend slots will suit your taste completely.

    How our After Builders Cleaning works

    It is not uncommon to face large amounts of grime, dust and waste after renovations at home. Those could be hard to clean but also dangerous for human health. To save time and money, give us a call and book the after builders cleaning service we offer. Everything will be customised to fit your specific needs and requests. We will send a team of expert technicians that will use specialised tools and products to get rid of all the fine dust and mess left behind. Your entire home will be thoroughly vacuumed, scrubbed, polished and disinfected. You will be able to move back in right away. The high quality of this service is guaranteed and you may rest assured that your property is in good hands. Below you can find a list of the tasks that will be performed as part of the service.

    1. To prepare the home for the actual cleaning process, our cleaning professionals will remove all waste, dust particles, debris and other grime.
    2. Our cleaning specialists will utilise the specialised equipment and products we provide them with to remove all of the dust that has made its way all over the location. They will use special wipes to clean and polish all surfaces, as well as completely vacuum clean all corners of the house.
    3. Next in line would be the cleaning of all furniture and countertops. The cleaning experts will utilise the high standard tools and products we supply them with to eliminate all signs of stains, splatters, dust and grime. They will clean all furniture throughout the home.
    4. Solid surfaces (in the kitchen and bathroom, for example) will be cleaned. The cleaning experts will remove any paint, concrete or other grime that ended up on the surface. They will use a cleaning solution specifically chosen for the material so no damage has been done.
    5. Our cleaning professionals will carefully hoover all carpets, upholstery, curtains and rugs located in the house to ensure that no dust or other particles that may cause irritation are present. They will employ high-quality, very efficient equipment.
    6. Next, all appliances in the flat will be thoroughly cleaned, polished and disinfected. That includes TVs, ovens, air conditioners and others.
    7. The cleaning service will be concluded when the professional cleaners on our team deep clean every surface and object that are used on a daily basis (countertops, light switches, door handles, etc.)

    Quick and simple way to book

    To receive a top notch cleaning service by our company, simply give us a call and talk to one of our professional office agents. They are always available and will provide you with extra information about the service. You will be asked a few questions which will help our customer support representatives understand your situation better. They will pick the best, most suitable cleaning team for the job and ensure that the trained professionals have been provided with everything required for the service. The project will be suited to your needs and all your personal requests and requirements will be taken into consideration. Save time, effort and money and schedule an appointment with us. You will be provided with a top quality cleaning service – the amazing final outcomes are guaranteed.

    Our satisfied clients

    “ Before I had your cleaners collect the dirt and dust in my home I thought that I would never be able to get it all out. Fortunately, you turned out to be even more effective than I have imagined and you were able to make the best of my situation. Thank you for all your efforts and making my home clean again. – Sandy”

    “ I want to say one huge THANK YOU for making my apartment clean again. I have had it renovated but as I expected it was covered in dirt and dust I wasn’t sure I can clean on my own. I employed your cleaning services and my home was clean once again and in no time. – Fiona”

    “ Cleaning isn’t my strong suit and I tend to look for a cleaning service to do the chores instead of me. A few days ago I have had builder at home and decided to give your cleaning service a try- I was very pleasantly surprised by the cleaning that you provided for me. – Julia”

    Your home has just been fully renovated and now it is left only to give it a deep clean? Save your efforts and take advantage of our after builders cleaning. Our qualified cleaners can visit you everywhere in Kentish Town and restore the clean condition of your property in a prompt and professional manner.

    In the service that we offer is included removal of all types of construction-related leftovers, and a profound cleaning of every room by the means of specialised cleaning equipment. We are certain that you will find our assistance beneficial. For your convenience, we are open 7 days per week.