Battersea Domestic Cleaning Services

domestic cleaning londonSearching for reliable domestic cleaning services in Battersea? You have just found them! We are a progressive cleaning company and our hard working and experienced cleaners are taking care of our customers’ homes for years already. Let us send you one of them and you will be convinced of the quality of their work.

You can trust us because we know how important is for you to ensure clean and sanitised environment for your children and we won’t let you down. With us your home will be neat and tidy all the time and this is not going to cost you a fortune. We want our services to be accessible to everyone, therefore, we keep our prices minimised.

Domestic Cleaning Prices Battersea

Domestic Cleaning Services Prices
Regular Cleaning £20/h
One Off Cleaning £20/h
Spring Cleaning £20/h
After Builders Cleaning from £161

Our main priority is to deliver a proper cleaning solution to our customers, therefore, we carefully select the cleaners in our team. All of them have passed indoor training and possess the requisite knowledge to carry out an efficient cleaning.

With them you don’t need to worry about results because they are thorough and consistent. Their only desire is to make your home as clean as you expect it to be.
Leave the cleaning to us and spend your time doing the things that you enjoy. We are flexible and able to assist you with one-off sessions or with regular domestic cleaning. No matter what you choose, we promise that you will be extremely satisfied with our work.

Top-notch domestic cleaning

domestic cleaning services londonOnce our cleaner is in your home they will wipe all kitchen appliances, clean the cupboards and the cabinets from the outside, sanitise the bathroom, wash the tiles, vacuum and mop all floors, change the linen, etc. Don’t hesitate to share your preferences with our friendly cleaner, they are ready to meet all of your requirements.
If you also want to try our magnificent domestic cleaning services, don’t hesitate to contact us. We have enough of dedicated cleaners and no matter where in SW11 is your property situated, one of them will visit you at the most convenient time for you. We are waiting for your call.

“I am now totally convinced that you offer the best Domestic Cleaning Services in town. I have tried a few others before I was given your number. I was extremely happy with the results you have achieved, especially with the bathroom tiles! – Leia”

    What else you need to know about us?

    • The prices of our services fit every budget
    • We are open 7 days per week and won’t charge you extra for weekend appointments
    • We cover Battersea and the surrounding areas
    • Our call centre representatives are always available to assist you

    “I hope that everyone will give this company’s house cleaning service a try. I assure you that you will not regret it. Thanks to the amazing professionals who carry out the cleanings, my home always looks fantastic. Both the quality and the prices which this company offers are to my liking. – Sawyer“

    Facts About Battersea

    With its marvellous Victorian architecture, beautiful parks and stunning riverside views, Battersea is a desired destination for numerous Londoners. It is a home to a hospitable and small local community. Historically, the place was in the country of Surrey and prior to the Industrial Revolution represented a huge farmland.

    Actually, it was the biggest market area in the capital. As a result of its impetuous history, Battersea today offers a wide range of properties. One can see here Victorian terraced houses, mansion blocks, converted schools as well newly built developments. When it comes to shopping, there is Northcote Road Antique Market with numerous independent antique shops. It is notable to mention also the Hive Honey Shop.

    This lovely boutique offers a unique selection of honey-based cosmetics and candles. When it comes to local attractions, Battersea Arts Centre hosts stand-up comedies, drama productions, festivals, etc.

    “I am one of the regular customers of this company and I am always very please with their house cleaning service. All of the professional cleaners are wonderful and friendly people who are very competent and they know how to make my home sparkling clean in a very short matter of time. – Felicity“

    “I can’t remember the last my home looked this good. I must admit that I was very surprised by the high quality of the house cleaning service which this company performed. I didn’t expect that the service will be this excellent because I was charged a very reasonable price. I am very pleased and I am definitely hiring them again. – Luna“

    If your home is the most important place for you and you love spending your free time enjoying the comfort of your house or apartment, you should make sure that it is always clean and properly disinfected. In order to feel safe and enjoy a cosy atmosphere, you should hire the cleaning service of our company.

    Since we have extensive experience in the cleaning business, we know how to provide the best domestic cleaning service and take the best care of your home. You can be certain that we are the most trustworthy cleaning company in Battersea and we would never disappoint you with the quality of our services.