Wandsworth Domestic Cleaning Services

domestic cleaning londonOur company takes pride in being able to offer you wonderful domestic cleaning services for all residents of SW18 and beyond.

We understand that not everybody has enough time to sanitise or just simply is not into it. The chores around a home can take up a lot of your spare time and we presume that the furtherest thought from your mind is to start with the cleaning duties when you can spend your time enjoying a book or a movie.

We know that most people spend their days at work which can be very exhausting. So the very last thing you would like to be doing is scrubbing the tiles or cobwebbing? Save yourself the trouble and turn to our company. We can take your place and provide you with immaculate home environment. Just get in touch with us and book our domestic cleaning services.

Domestic Cleaning Prices Wandsworth

Domestic Cleaning Services Prices
Regular Cleaning £20/h
One Off Cleaning £20/h
Spring Cleaning £20/h
After Builders Cleaning from £179

Our cleaning teams consist of specially trained housekeepers who are very disciplined, reliable and have passed introductory training courses. They are fully aware of how to use every product of the cleaning equipment.

So you can place your trust in us and rest easy that your home will be taken the best care of. Place your home in our hands and you will see it transforming into your precious place-to-be.

Excellent domestic cleaning services in Wandsworth

domestic cleaning services londonOur main goal as a leading cleaning contractor in SW18 is to make sure that every and each of our customers is absolutely pleased with every aspect of our domestic cleaning services. When it comes to our cleaning equipment, we utilise only environmentally friendly cleaning supplies.

They are entirely safe for you, your family and pets. We provide ourselves with it without charging you additionally. Thanks to our high repute, you can have faith in us that we will complete all your requirements in the best way possible.

“My bathroom is so incredibly clean, one could eat from the floor! With some help from your workers, I can now enjoy my water-drop-stain-free bathroom. No matter how hard I try, I could never achieve such results. You have all the necessary equipment to make a bathroom completely spotless! – Masha”

    When you book with us we will make sure that all the chores are completed:

    • all floors will be swept, hoovered and mopped
    • all furniture will be dusted
    • all toilets, tiles, bathtubs and shower cabins will be descaled and shined
    • all cobwebs will be removed

    “ I have been using your cleaning service for over an year and I want to say that you have been more than helpful. Thank you for keeping my house clean at all times. Ever since I started employing your service I have been free of doing any cleaning chores in the house. – Merry”

    Facts About Wandsworth

    Wandsworth is a district positioned in London and it is part of the London Borough of Wandsworth. The name of the area comes from the River Wandle. It is often confused with London Borough of Wandsworth and for this reason it is referred to as Wandsworth Town.

    Right between the river and this district, Young and Co’s Ram Brewery is positioned. This place is so popular because there the traditional draught beer was brewed for 425 years. It all started in 1581 which makes this brewery the oldest site in the country where beer had been produced.

    Wandsworth contains plenty of pretty houses, delicious restaurants, shops and cinemas. Most of these places are located on the area’s main street- Wandsworth High Street. Some notable churches in Wandsworth are All Saints’ Church, St Anne’s Church and Holy Trinity Church which were built in the 19th century.

    “ You did such a good job cleaning my kitchen. All appliances are refreshed and look amazing. I noticed that all the stains on the counter and cupboards are gone too. Thank you so much for all your hard efforts- you will definitely hear from me again! – Garry”

    “ You truly do an amazing job! I have had two different cleaners clean my home and the end results were amazing each time. I wish you would continue to provide such diligent service on such low prices. I will keep on recommending you to everybody I know. – Bela”

    You’ve been working too much lately and now it is time to deal with the postponed domestic chores. Do yourself a favour and take advantage of our top-notch domestic cleaning.

    Our cleaning crew can visit you quickly in the entire Wandsworth and perform domestic tasks such as cleaning the kitchen, tidying up the common areas, hoovering carpets, washing floors, dusting and much more. For your convenience, cleaning equipment is provided by our company.

    Leave the dirty work to us and spend your free time relaxing. Rest assured that your home will be very well taken care of. Give us a call and we will discuss your preferences.