End Of Tenancy Cleaning Canonbury, Islington

Keeping the deposit at the end of your tenancy may turn to be a task with increased difficulty if you fail to ensure the pristine level of cleanliness required by your landlord. To avoid such a scenario, turn to our company and find the most competent end of tenancy cleaning in Islington. In this way, you will be able to deal with other arrangements linked with moving out without worrying over cleaning.

Have no doubts that we will do our job well because we have been operating in the field of cleaning for a considerable amount of time already and our dedicated cleaners are competent enough to meet every requirement. For your convenience, they are ready for action every day of the week. Tell us when it is convenient for you and leave the rest to them.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning Prices
Studio Flat from £116
One Bedroom Flat from £161
Two Bedroom Flat from £189
Three Bedroom Flat from £220

End of tenancy cleaning provided by the professionals in Islington

eot-imageMake use of our highly-qualified personnel and move out without any problems. Once in your property, our representatives will clean in detail every area. Rest assured that they will deliver the desired level of cleanliness because their cleaning checklist includes even difficult to reach areas. We are positive that your landlord will find their performance excellent and you will keep your deposit.

What else do we have for you?

  • Prices that fit your budget completely
  • Flexible schedule and a variety of free weekend appointments
  • Quick response to your request in the entire Islington
  • Professional cleaning equipment
  • Friendly and obliging call centre agents

Your guarantee for a hassle-free moving out

With us you don’t need to worry about any squabbles during the inventory inspection because our end of tenancy cleaning is a guaranteed service. In case an inspection takes place within 48-hours upon completion of our service and a problem occurs, you can count on us to come back for a re-clean.

Services We Provide

  • Carpet Cleaning
  • Oven Cleaning
  • Domestic Cleaning
  • Builders Cleaning
  • Flat Cleaning
  • Office Cleaning
  • Spring Cleaning
  • Upholstery Cleaning

Hurry up and give us a call. We are able to offer you a cleaning solution in relation to your individual needs, discounted prices and the most important, peace of mind. Our helpful office assistants are constantly available to guide you through our simplified booking form.

Reliable Pre-tenancy Cleaning Services in London

To be able to enjoy the new property you are moving into, a deep cleaning of the entire property is required. If you would like to have a fresh start in a neat place, give us a call and book our pre-tenancy cleaning service. It is important to have this task performed by professionals since it usually requires special tools and products, as well as a unique approach. The main reason for this is the fact that a lot of the grime may be hard to remove or simply hidden. If you are moving into a newly built property, there may be dust, grime and industrial waste. However, if you are moving into a property that used to have previous inhabitants, there may be smells, stains and rubbish left behind by them. Trust our experts with this task – they will efficiently clean the entire property and prepare it for your arrival. Do not hesitate to reach out to us – a lot of the grime that needs to be cleaned is usually easy to miss or hard to remove. You may rest assured that our cleaning professionals will do just that.

Benefits of booking our Pre-tenancy Cleaning:

  1. The moving process is usually complicated and requires time and effort. Save yourself those and trust our cleaning company with the task. You will not have to worry about scrubbing and disinfecting – your property will be deep cleaned and prepared for your arrival.
  2. If your house has been lived in before, there may be stains and smells present. We will remove all of them and ensure that the place feels ready for you to personalise and enjoy the best way you can.
  3. Your new property will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with the use of top grade professional cleaning solutions. All of them are non-toxic, free of harsh chemicals, biodegradable and eco-friendly. Both your children and your pets will be safe and enjoying a beautiful, disinfected new home.
  4. The quality of the cleaning solution you receive from our company will be one of the highest in the industry. You may rest assured that our expert cleaning technicians will use all their skills and knowledge to eliminate all germs and rime from all areas of your home.

A list of cleaning chores that demand particular focus:

  • Carpets – carpets and upholstery require comprehensive cleaning on a regular basis to avoid dust buildup. You’d be shocked how much filth can be found on their surface. We’ll use expert steam cleaning equipment to get rid of all stains and grime and sterilise the entire surface.
  • Bathroom – all the deposits, mould and germs make cleaning the bathroom a complicated task. Lucky for you, our cleaning technicians will use the powerful, free of toxic chemicals cleaning solution we supply them with to thoroughly clean and disinfect the entire area.
  • Kitchen – your kitchen will be left immaculate by the end of the service. All signs of grease and grime will be eliminated and the entire area will be disinfected by our expert cleaning technicians.
  • Hard to reach or hidden places – most of the dirt and grime hidden in a property cannot be easily seen. The fact that the areas that need to be cleaned are so easy to miss makes the cleaning process hard and complicated to carry out. Our cleaning experts will reach all of them and thoroughly clean them.
  • Disposal of items and waste – even after a thorough cleaning, some objects may need to be replaced or disposed of. These are goods that have been personally used by other people and may contain germs or bacteria (unprotected bed mattresses, pillows, toilet seats, towels, carpets, shower curtains, and so on). Our cleaning professionals will assist you with this process. They will inspect, clean and replace whatever is needed.

Our satisfied clients

“I used their end of tenancy cleaning last week and I can’t recommend them enough! The cleaners came exactly on time and directly got to work. They were very friendly and polite as well as diligent and comprehensive. It was a pleasure to communicate with them – Frank”

“Yesterday I used your end of tenancy cleaning for the first time and I need to say that your cleaners do their job very well. They cleaned diligently every area of the flat for just a couple of hours. The inventory clerk commented that the property is cleaned very well and I will probably keep the deposit. – Jimmy”

“I have never imagined that my moving out can be such a pleasant experience but thanks to the hard work and wonderful end of tenancy cleaning service of this company I was able to impress my landlord and get my full deposit back in no time. The cleaners were very trustworthy people and I was amazed with their skills. – Grant“

“I am forever grateful to this company and its end of tenancy cleaning service. The cleaners who carried out the cleaning service were true professionals and they used high-quality tools and products to make sure that the entire property was sparkling clean. I was very surprised by the affordable price that I was charged. – Kendall“

When a tenant moves out, they are obliged to leave the leased property cleaned up to scratch. As not everyone carries out a deep cleaning on regular basis, the assistance of a professional cleaning company is more than welcome. Specialists are able to deal with all types of cleaning issues and will probably search for dirt in place that may not occur to you.

If you are interested in booking such a professional cleaning service in Islington, don’t hesitate to give us a call. During the cleaning session, everything in your leased property will undergo a deep cleaning. If by any chance your landlord is not completely satisfied with the achieved level of cleanliness, our team will visit you again for a re-clean.