We Deliver After Builders Cleaning in Battersea, Clapham Junction

After Builders Cleaning Prices
After Builders Cleaning £161

Best Prices!

    At our company you can find everything you need when it comes to after builders cleaning. No matter whether your premise has undergone small repairs or bigger renovation project, we would be glad to assist you with the cleaning procedures. Book with us and we will show you that you have made the best choice when contacting us.

    We have spent great amount of years in this cleaning industry to be sure that we are unbeatable in our cleaning performance.

    Road to perfection

    after builders cleaning servicesWe are well experienced and respected in entire Battersea, Clapham Junction. Thanks to our economical prices, professionalism and personal approach we have hundreds of customers in the area who keep on taking advantage of our services. Feel free to give us a call and choose the best cleaning package which fits your needs and budget.

    We offer you flexibility with working hours and availability in entire Battersea, Clapham Junction. We are open even on bank holidays and weekends, unlike many other cleaning contractors in the very same area. Whenever you have some questions concerning our procedures, do not hesitate to call us. Our representatives work 24/7 to provide you with the needful information.

    Second to none after builders cleaning services

    after builders cleaningProvide your home with the shine and sparkle it deserves. You can count on us to clean your home after refurbishments of all kinds. Our cleaners are trained to cope with various cleaning challenges and tasks. They stop at nothing when the hygiene is on the line. Trust them and they will get you rid of all pesky stains, left by the builders in your home.

    Our services are designed to be proper and thorough. All the basic chores are included in all of our packages. When our cleaners come to your property or office they will get to work straight away. They will mop floors and hoover carpets, sanitise and disinfect bathrooms and toilets, scrub tiles and sinks, wipe the dust off of all surfaces and appliances, clean windows (internally) and will eliminate all unpleasant smell.

    Everyone in Battersea, Clapham Junction has the privilege to book with our after builders cleaning services. Grab that phone and give us a buzz. You can count on us.

    How our After Builders Cleaning works

    To be able to properly enjoy your newly refurbished property, you must perform a deep cleaning right after the building crew. This may be a task, too complicated for a single person. If you lack the time, tools or products to perform it, schedule an appointment with our team. We offer high quality after builders cleaning solutions performed by expert technicians using top quality products and equipment. They will scrub and deep clean the entire home and no signs of dust, grime and waste will be left behind. The cleaning experts will ensure that the home is clean, organised and ready for your return. We guarantee the high standard of the final results so give us a call and trust us with this task. Find all activities that will take place at your apartment listed below.

    1. Only after every item of rubbish has been removed from the site will the cleaning procedure begin. This will be the first stage in the procedure.
    2. The proper removal of all the fine dust from the entire property is extremely important. Our cleaning experts will be using the professional quality tools and products they arrive with. All surfaces, furniture, high areas, floors and corners will be vacuumed, dusted and wiped down using specialised wiped that collect all the dust.
    3. Following that, all future across the complete property will be cleansed. Our cleaning professionals will gently wipe down their surface with specific cleaning solutions, removing any stains, splatters, dust, and other filth that accumulated on there while your renovations were happening.
    4. The next step in the cleaning process would be the cleaning of all hard materials and surfaces throughout the home. Our cleaning experts will use special materials chosen for the precise material that is being worked on. There will be zero damage.
    5. All carpets and upholstery will be thoroughly vacuum cleaned by the cleaning professionals. They will use the professional grade vacuum cleaning devices we supply them with and make sure there is no sign of dust and grime left behind on the fibres of the carpets/upholstery.
    6. All appliances will be cleaned, wiped down and stains found on them will be removed. That includes kitchen appliances, washing machines, etc.
    7. The cleaning service will be completed when our skilled cleaners thoroughly scrub and disinfect every surface and object used on a daily basis (countertops, light switches, door handles, and so on).

    Quick and simple way to book

    Our team of skilled cleaning specialists will provide you with one of the top professional cleaning services on the market. If you are experiencing difficulty performing the deep cleaning of the flat at the end of your refurbishments, please contact our customer care department and speak with one of our specialists. They are accessible seven days a week and will provide you with further information, answer any of your questions, and walk you through the booking process. Make sure you answer all of their questions and provide extensive information (with images, if possible) on the apartment’s condition. They will create a customised cleaning service for you based on your specific demands and select the best, most appropriate cleaning products. Everything will be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and prepared for your return. Expect the best final results.

    Our satisfied clients

    “ We have just had major repairs done at home and hired your cleaning for a service. As it turns out their cleaning was impeccable and I was very happy with it. The team was very friendly and brought along all the necessary tools and cleaners. – Ron”

    “ The cleaning that your cleaners provided for me the other day, after I have had my living room go through a repair, was very thorough and did not leave any signs of building or repair. I particularly liked the fact that you have additionally freshened up the entire room and it smells wonderful. – Kathrine”

    “ Your after builders cleaning service was very well-prepared for the cleaning. They brought all the tools for them job themselves and I must say that I have never seen the type of equipment they used. Whatever it was it worked because there wasn’t a sign of the repairs after that. – Tom”

    Renovating your home is always a wonderful idea. However, keep in mind that the final results will be hard to be noticed due to the overwhelming amount of industrial dust and dirt which builders tend to leave behind. Hiring professional cleaners can save you a lot of troubles and show you the results you want to see.

    Give us a call and book our after builders cleaning service and you will experience first-hand the mazing skills of our professional cleaners who are the most competent experts in entire Battersea. Our service can be hired any day of the week, including the weekends.