End Of Tenancy Cleaning Earlsfield

When you are moving out and your landlord expects that you do an end of tenancy cleaning before you move out, we can come and rescue you from this burden.

Our company is a champion cleaning services contractor and we operate right here in Earlsfield and the area and we are the best at providing end of tenancy cleaning services.

Turn to us when you have moved your belongings from the property and we will come right in and clean and disinfect the entire property. We have been helping tenants with to get their deposits back for years, we are experienced and we promise to help you get your money back as well.

We can clean your property so good that when your landlord comes for an inspection or an inspection clerk is coming to do it, they will be more than pleased with the results. Our cleaning teams use professional heavy-duty cleaning detergents and disinfectants and tools and will leave the property immaculate.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning Prices
Studio Flat from £116
One Bedroom Flat from £161
Two Bedroom Flat from £189
Three Bedroom Flat from £220

Give us a call now and hire the best end of tenancy cleaning specialists in Earlsfield.

eot-imageBook our service right away and we assure you that in no time your property will be cleaned. Our teams work with professional equipment and we usually get any job done within 4 hours.

Our service comes with a two-day guarantee and if the inspection clerk or your landlord was not fully satisfied with a certain part of our work we will clean the areas for free.

Our team uses the strongest cleaning products to cut through grease and grime, they will also disinfect the bathroom and polish all surfaces and floors. They will clean windows, light fittings, etc.

Services We Provide

  • Carpet Cleaning
  • Oven Cleaning
  • Domestic Cleaning
  • Builders Cleaning
  • Flat Cleaning
  • Office Cleaning
  • Spring Cleaning
  • Upholstery Cleaning

Reliable Pre-tenancy Cleaning Services in London

Giving your new home a thorough cleaning before moving in your stuff can help you begin your new life with a fresh and beautiful start. Cleaning a house is a complicated process. New construction can leave dust and waste in hidden areas, but purchasing an existing property that has been lived in means that the cleanliness of your apartment will depend on the habits of the previous tenants. While cleaning, you may notice certain items that need to be fixed or replaced. To accomplish the task properly, you’ll need a range of cleaning supplies, as well as patience and knowledge. While moving can be exciting, the cleaning process may be too complicated for you as there are a few places that are extremely important to clean but are easily missed. See what those are below, book our pre-tenancy cleaning service and leave the job to our professionals. Everything will be thoroughly cleaned and left disinfected – trust us with this process.

Benefits of booking our Pre-tenancy Cleaning:

  1. You will have more time to pack better, organise the entire moving process, have fun and organise your new property the way you want. Our cleaning experts will complete all tasks in a short amount of time and prepare it for your arrival – you will be welcomed by a clean, immaculate property.
  2. All signs of previous inhabitants will be eliminated. Tha involves smells, stains, waste and other unpleasant things that may prevent you from enjoying your time at the property. We will ensure the home is absolutely clean and ready for you.
  3. You may rest assured that our professional cleaners will only use high quality, professional grade tools and products that are eco-friendly, biodegradable, free of toxic chemicals, yet super efficient against stains and grime. your apartment will be clean and healthy for your arrival.
  4. Rest assured that your property will be well taken care of. Our expert professionals have the skills and knowledge to thoroughly clean and disinfect every surface and corner of your new property. We guarantee the high quality of the final results.

A list of cleaning chores that demand particular focus:

  • Carpets – bacteria, dust mites, and other unpleasant things that might bother you and potentially create health problems are hiding all over the carpets and upholstery. We will steam clean everything as part of the service, assuring 100% stain removal success and complete disinfection of the surface.
  • Bathroom – all the deposits, mould and germs make cleaning the bathroom a complicated task. Lucky for you, our cleaning technicians will use the powerful, free of toxic chemicals cleaning solution we supply them with to thoroughly clean and disinfect the entire area.
  • Kitchen – all grease, grime and germs will be eliminated from your kitchen area – our professionals will scrub and disinfect all kitchen surfaces. You will be able to enjoy an immaculate cooking area that is free of dirt and buildup.
  • Hard to reach or hidden places – dust and filth accumulate in locations that are normally overlooked during routine cleaning sessions in every home – particularly those that have previously been occupied. Our cleaning professionals are aware of these locations and will guarantee that they are spotless and disinfected.
  • Disposal of items and waste – as part of the cleaning service, our professionals will inspect and clean/replace items that have been left by the previous tenants and cannot be used by you. Those can be bathroom rugs, unprotected mattresses, toilet seats, bed linen, pillows and other objects that are used for personal hygiene and are best not shared. You will be able to enjoy a clean and sanitary home.

Our satisfied clients

”I used to live in a dormitory before I moved to a rental place with a couple of friends, but after a few months we had to leave because the rent was a bit much for us. We never paid much attention to cleaning the apartment and after the landlord mentioned we might not receive our full deposit back we decided to hire your company for an end tenancy cleaning service. We were present while your team was cleaning the place and really liked the results. Thank you! – Anthony”

”I found your cleaners to be very professional and friendly. While they were cleaning the place we exchanged a few words about the cleaning materials they were using and they made a good impression on me, it really seemed they knew all about what they were doing and the end result was also splendid. – Maggie”

“If it wasn’t for your cleaners I wouldn’t be able to present the leased property in good condition at the end of the tenancy. The fellows worked really hard and this is highly appreciated. They left every corner free of grime and the landlord was really happy. Highly recommended end of tenancy cleaning. – Bryan”

“I hired them to carry out the final cleaning of my rental accommodation and they did great. The cleaners were polite and responsive. I asked them to pay special attention to some areas and they actually did. There’s no doubt that I will contact you again. You deserve to be trusted. – Kate”

Areas we provide our cleaning services:

Forest Gate
Save time and energy and leave all the dirty work to our cleaners who are wonderful professionals who are trained to tackle even the biggest mess with ease and provide the most satisfying results in no time. We are ready to provide our help any day of the week, even on weekends.